It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


My Strength Comes from the Lord

When life gets hard whom do you turn to? The Lord is ever present in our lives and wants to see us through every trial. Whether it’s the valley of despair or the joy of the mountain top, He is with us.

There is great wisdom in the old testament. Join us Sunday morning at 7:25 as we explore what Joshua learned.

Live Now!

We’ve all heard the term life’s short with a few additional words like, don’t worry, be happy, you only go around once, grab all the gusto you can. Life is short in the grand scheme of things. We need to live it to it’s fullest and the only way to do that is to love people.

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to here what the Lord has to say about loving others.

Brace For Impact!

The world has lost it’s mind, the news is not far behind. What should a Christ follower do?

Glad you asked, join us at 7:25 tomorrow morning to hear what the Lord has put on my heart.

A Confident God

There is so much I have to talk about how our God is confident, competent, all knowing, all seeing and ever present in our lives.

Join us at 7:25 tomorrow morning to hear more.

The Fourth Day

James said we need to do what the word says we should do. The disciples realized this on the fourth day. Once they saw the truth of the risen Christ, it changed everything. It should for you too.

Join us at 7:25 Sunday for chapel service.

Read The Bible in A Year
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