Love Matters Most
When you think about how much the Lord loves us, it’s almost incomprehensible to try and explain what that means. In man’s world love is always conditional. It’s always based on getting something in return, a tit for tat so to speak. God doesn’t operate like that, not even close. If He did, we’d been vaporized long ago.
Paul speaks to the Corinthians about love and how it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we look at the gift of love and it’s impact on our lives.
Reminder, we will celebrate the Lord’s supper at the end of service.
Peace That Transcends Everything
What steals your peace? Finances, relationships, children, spouse, health and so much more as we perceive life, the list just goes on and on. The Lord implores us to be anxious for nothing; to turn from that anxiousness and know His peace. I know, I know, much easier said then done. We take things that do not matter and allow the enemy to turn them into cataclysmic events worthy of our rage when in all reality they are nothing in the grand scheme of life. That’s how he steals our peace.
There are to many things in our life that we take for granted that we would do anything in the world to regain if we lost them. This is what the devil does, he moves our focus from the significant to the mundane stealing our peace all along the way.
Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we digest Paul’s instruction to the church in Philippi and how they apply to us today.
Joy Unimaginable!
Joy is more than a feeling; it’s a deep, enduring state of the heart. Joy reaches beyond a burst of happiness or the delight that comes with something you enjoy. Joy is anchored in something more substantial, prosperous, and lasting than immediate satisfaction. It’s found in God’s presence, His promises, and His faithfulness.
Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we look at one of the fruits of the spirit, joy!
You’ve Always Been Ohana
Jacob’s story spans 25 chapters of Genesis. Initially known as a deceiver and a thief, he becomes the third link in God’s promise to make his grandfather, Abraham a great nation. It is God’s character that brings about that promise in spite of Jacob.
God speaks to Jacob in the first of four very personal encounters. The first occurs after he deceived his father, Isaac and stole his brother, Esau’s birthright. God confirms the blessing would follow Jacob. God made the promise to him reflected in our verse above.
Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we talk of the goodness of our God.
Turning Point – Let God Write Your Story
When you think about your life story, do you dream big and plan every detail? You might envision where you want to go and start writing the chapters yourself. But as time passes, life rarely follows the script we imagined. Frustration can creep in when plans fall apart, or progress feels slow. In these moments you might wonder if God truly sees the desires of our hearts.
Here’s the truth: God isn’t just watching our story unfold—He’s writing it with a love and wisdom far greater than our own, protecting and teaching us through every step.
Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we talk about trusting the Lord with your life.
Turning Point – No Going Back
Would it surprised you to know that at times most Christ followers experience feeling distant from God as we walk through life with Him? For me, I pray daily; I read the Word daily. But sometimes I sense I’m away from Him. I’m not in His presence the way I felt it, His presence, before. But at the same time, it doesn’t worry me because I know I’ve been through that season in the past just like many others.
When these times happen, reversing course might seem easier than hunkering down and staying the course.
Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we talk about these dry times and how to work through them.
Turning Point – Fasten Your Seatbelt, Turbulence Ahead
I think we all long for life to beat at a steady rhythm, a predictable hum of daily routines and responsibilities. Yet, despite our best efforts to create stability, life seldom offers us a business-as-usual experience. Life is in a constant state of flux, demanding our adaptability and faith.
But what do you do when life get’s you down and things don’t goes as planned? You improvise, adapt and overcome! Join us at 7:05 Sunday morning as we look at a great example of a man that did just that when life got hard, really hard!