Your Work
All I want to hear from our Lord when I get to heaven is, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” The actual bible verse is from Matthew 25:23, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Over the last few years, the demand for our product has skyrocketed. That’s the only term I can use to describe it. To think just a few years ago we barely understood how to stream audio less alone a video stream of the quality we have today is certainly mind boggling to me. Some would say we were in the right place at the right time. Others would say we had luck on our side. It’s clear to me that our business has the Lords hand all over it.
New Paradigms
Henry Blackaby writes, “You cannot go with God and stay where you are.” I love that statement! If you walk with the Lord every day, it is impossible to be the same person. The Lord will teach us and mold us into a person of righteousness that brings glory to Him.
We are working in 2 locations this weekend. Both crews started off the weekend with bumpy rides as we had to move a few times before we had everybody and everything set. There was grass to mow, electrical outlets to install and numerous other small hurdles to over come to make everyone happy. We complied with a smile and no crumbling!
The Gospel of the Kingdom
Todays devotional is a clear and concise ‘state of the union’ of Christianity. Many Christ followers want to follow God as long as it doesn’t mess up their plans for their lives. I call these folks the ‘quarter pounders’. They are looking for nothing more than a get out of jail free card. While I would never questions a persons salvation, only the Lord knows the heart of any individual, I have to wonder why they don’t allow the Lord to guide them along the path of their lives.
When I decided to walk with the Lord I had to trust Him completely. That meant going against societal norms and understanding I would be mocked by people we do and don’t know. In all of that, I have found a simple reality, one can not apply western logic to the ways of our Lord. We can only understand God through our relationship with Him. His ways are not our ways, yet His plan is better than anything we could ever imagine because He has the big picture and only wants the best for us.
Planning for Success
In the past I’ve explained how we do no planning for the future. The Lord gives me a vision, and I wait for direction. Yea, I know, heck of a way to run a business…but it works. In the past, I have made plans and tried to execute them only to see them not work or turnout into be a big mess.
I have learned it’s best to wait for a path from the Lord and then move forward at His pace, not mine. It ALWAYS works better to do it His way, even when you can’t see how it will work in your eyes.
The Lord is My Strength
All three devotionals I read in the morning have the same theme today, the Lord is our strength and provider in all things. Do not look to your own strength, your own resources (money) your own will in life. It’s easy to do when you have money in the bank, food in the cupboard and gas in the tank of your car. Never forget Who’s you are and how you got where you are.
Secret Identities
I was uncertain of my direction when the Lord started to move me from being a chaplain at the races to market place ministry. I had always thought my calling to minister was through a traditional role as a chaplain or pastor in a church. This was new ground for me…well it was all new ground, the calling, the business, employees, etc, etc, etc.
As our business grew, so did our relationships with people inside the racing industry. This opened up opportunities to minister to folks we never thought possible. I watched as the Lord opened door after door in the business world confirming the direction He wanted us to go.
Faith Experiences
I grew up in church. Every Sunday we were there as a family doing the ‘church thing’. I saw many hypocrites, it was a very religious environment void of any discussion of relationship with our Lord and Savior. I did not like it and had no use for it. What I saw and experienced there would drive me far from the Fathers’ house.
That all changed on March 3rd, 2001. It was a Saturday and I remember it as clear as a bell. I went to the men’s breakfast at church, yes, I was attending again because Our Father has been drawing me back to Him heavily. I went to update our associate pastor on my call to minister at the races when my dam of desperation broke and I was welcomed back into the arms of a loving Father. On my knees sobbing, I gave my life to Christ. I was changed forever that day.