It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Does It Really Matter?

As you walk through life you have to take stock of all that’s going on around you and wonder what really matters in Life. In Luke 15, Jesus was trying His best to get a couple of points across to those He was speaking with in the chapter. They couldn’t see what He was trying to tell them.

Join us tomorrow at 7:05 as we work through the lessons Jesus taught the disciples and those who came to hear Him Speak.

At What Cost?

The commitment to living in godliness provides many opportunities and challenges to rely on God’s favor, grace, protection and provision. As you honor the Lord through your godly lifestyle and excellent spirit, He will honor you.

Remaining steadfast in your faith, even when it means you may face persecution, is the most difficult part of our walk.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we learn from the three Hebrew boys who refused to compromise their faith.

When Trouble Comes – Use The Promises of God

As we navigate the challenges and chaos of life, remember that not every call to arms is yours to answer. You are part of a greater body, with Christ as the head, orchestrating a symphony where not all are called to play the same part. It’s okay to step back, to discern, and to choose your battles with the wisdom that comes from above.

He has a plan for our lives, all our lives. It;s just a matter of trusting Him with our life…yeah I know…

Join us tomorrow morning as we talk about using the promises of God to walk through life. Don’t forget, we will celebrate the Lord’s supper at the end of service.

Ya Got To Know! – The Promises of God

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to get it right in life more often than not? So may call it the Midas touch of insider information. Other call it dumb luck and others assign it to ‘the gods’ of life.

Christ followers have a significant advantage when it comes to make good decisions about life’s path, the Holy Spirit. Join us at 7:05 tomorrow morning as we talk about the Helper Jesus sent us when to be with the Father.

Friendship – The Promises of God

The world uses the term friend in a very lose fashion. We can have just met a person and introduce them as a new friend, but does that really define what it means to be a friend? When Jesus called His disciples friend it meant something very different from the modern way we use the term.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk about what it means to be a friend of Jesus.

Rewards, Here or There – The Promises of God

Have you ever received a prize as a reward? Or gone on a treasure hunt or searched for the trinket “prize” in a cereal box? It was not really the value of the prize you were seeking. It was the excitement of the hunt. Plus, the picture on the box made it seem quite wonderful.

God’s rewards are true and MOST wonderful! There is no false advertising. And you do not have to dump out a whole box of cereal to find them. You must believe He exists and seek Him.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we continue talking about the promises of God.

Hey! That’s My Kid! – The Promises of God

One of the single hardest things for me to accept, after I gave my life to Jesus, was that I was really his child with all of the. I knew in my mind that He loved me, He told me that and scripture supports it, but it was hard for me to believe that he really accepted who I was and forgave me for all of my sins.

Tomorrow we explore another promise of the Lord, acceptance as God’s child. Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we look at what it means to be His kid and how it happens.

Don’t forget, we will share communion at the end of service!

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