The Key? Find Joy!
For the last few weeks we’ve talked about how bad things happening to good people and good things happening to bad people and worked though trying to understand and make sense of how that all works. We found that the Lord will use us as examples of righteousness in our discussion about Job and his trials. Then last week we talked about envying those who have what we don’t believe they deserve.
In both of these messages we realize the sovereignty of our God and that He will decide what will and will not happen based on His plans for each of us. Big question, how do we get beyond all of this when everything seems so unfair?
Join us at 7:05 tomorrow morning as we learn what His plan is for us!
Envy Much?
It’s easy to feel discouraged when you’ve poured your heart into a goal and see others thriving, while your dreams seem to stall. You notice acknowledgment, success, and promotions come effortlessly for those around you, and envy starts to stir in your heart and mind. You wonder why they appear so blessed while you work so hard.
Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we dig into the root of envy and how to work through those feelings.
And So!?
If there was ever a universal question asked by all peoples regardless of faith background, it would have to be “Why do bad things happen to good People.” Is it karma, bad luck, attacks of our enemy or maybe, just maybe it’s God’s will for your life. Regardless, there are no easy answers, or at least one you will like.
Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk through Job’s troubles and the insights we glean from his life.
Go Where ‘HE’ Wants You
Life constantly pulls us in all directions. Especially when it comes to His mission for your life. We constantly battle between our flesh and our spirit on what we decide we will do next or how we will react to a given situation.
The enemy of our soul is relentless, he will never give up on his mission to destroy our ability to have Kingdom impact in life. This is why we must resist the devil at all times.
Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we discuss the difference between our spiritual and natural man.
Let’s Talk About The “Nots”
Matthew 16:13-20 is the first distinct mention of the church in the New Testament, given by Jesus, who is the Builder of the Church. We must remember, we do not build the church on our own, we simply cooperate with Him.
I have struggled with church for as long as I can remember. I just never seemed to fit no matter what. It didn’t matter what church or denomination, it has always fallen flat.
Join us tomorrow morning as we explore the scripture on who and what the church was designed to be based on Jesus’ own words.
Ever Vigilant
It’s unfortunate that we focus so heavily on being thankful only during the Thanksgiving holiday season. It’s not unfortunate that we are thankful; it’s unfortunate that many wait until November before we actually express gratitude. Gratitude should be something we ponder daily, not yearly.
The Apostle Paul encourages us to focus our devotion on two primary areas. In Colossians 4:2 he compels us to, “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving”
Vigilance as Christ followers is more important today than ever. Join us tomorrow morning as we discussion vigilance and thanksgiving in modern life.
Start Again
The past few years have been a season of loss. Many have lost jobs, homes, a sense of security, community and family togetherness, and even experienced the death of loved ones. And yet, God promises to restore us.
Throughout God’s Word we find story after story that demonstrate that His restoration is always in abundance. When our Heavenly Father restores something, it is always much better than it was to begin with.
Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk about renewal of life.