Power of the Tongue
‘We need to talk’, those words struck fear in my heart! Whenever my supervisor used that statement, 100% of the time it meant I had done something he was not happy about. I had never been so beaten down by words in my life, to the point where it had significant impact on my self worth.
That was one of the most difficult periods I had ever experienced. I felt like I could do very little right even though I was heralded as a knowledgeable, articulate and consummate professional. It would take a few years for me to regain my confidence after I left that assignment. All because of one persons words.
Responses to Adversity
As a Christ follower, it was hard for me to accept adversity in my life. In the beginning of my journey, I believed that while I would see some type of trouble in my life, He would keep me from the ‘big stuff’. That is one of the biggest lies of all time and a ploy of the enemy. Just because you walk with the Lord, it does not keep you from troubles. What it does do is give you a place of refuge when hard times strike.
I have Christ following friends who have dealt with extreme difficulties in this life. Everything from the death of a spouse to lost jobs to deep physical pain. Some are still wandering in the wilderness wondering if the Lord has forsaken them. Even though they know better, doubt is a constant companion on our journey with the Lord….and at times trying to understand all that is going on is a near impossibility.
Your Testimony
Many years ago a pastor friend made this statement, “If you’re testimony of God’s hand in your life is based on what happened a year ago, then you probably need to work on your relationship with the Lord.” At first I thought his comment was pretty harsh, but then as I started to live a life that followed Jesus, I realized what he said was the absolute truth.
Often, sometimes daily, the Lord stretches me in my walk through the business and ministry. Fill that man’s gas tank, give to that person on the street, help others with their websites, teach them how to stream…stretch, trust, believe, have faith for the next step…it seems constant in my life. Do I grow weary at times, absolutely, but I have found He is faithful in the journey.
The Mountain
The Lord has always spoken to me through the majesty of His work on earth and in the heavens. This is one of the best examples I’ve seen to date!
This Man Jesus
Effective Leadership
Obedience to the Lord can be hard at times, especially when it comes to you money. For whatever reason, it seems I get asked for help at the gas station more than any other place on the planet. I can’t tell you how many cars or gas cans I’ve filled with fuel or how many dollars I’ve given while pumping at any given stop through my travels. It’s become common enough that I don’t even ask a question, I just smile, help and send them on there way with a blessing. Yesterday was no different.
We were on our way home from picking up the new generator for our second unit. We stopped just south of the state line to fill up. As I was about to pump, two young men in their early 20’s asked if I could spare a gallon of fuel. I looked at them ask for their 5 gallon can and filled it. They were very grateful, thanked me as I sent them on the way. Jack looked at me as I reset the pump to fill his truck. I simply stated, “He always does this to me.” He knew I was talking about how the Father uses me from time to time.
Performing Miracles With Your Staff
I have yielded my life and everything I hold sacred to the Lord. There is nothing He does not have access to. He has used the desires of my heart to touch the lives of those around me. Through our business we have made many new friends, many more than I ever realized…that was until yesterday when our second team needed help. They had a broken hitch and where 700+ miles from home.
My initial thought was to go and rescue them with my motorhome or my sons truck. Then I felt the Lord tell me to pray. So I did and then asked for prayer on JAMA’s Facebook page…and people started to pray. Instantly…yes, instantly we had help from numerous sources. Phone calls, emails, text and private messages came rolling in…I was overwhelmed by the willingness of people to reach out and help us.