Seekers of God
We got news this morning that there had been another incident with the hitch on our second unit. This time the hitch failed. Fortunately the team leader caught the problem on walk around after a fuel stop and was able to take appropriate action to secure the trailer. They were close enough to home so they dropped the trailer and went back and picked up it with his truck.
Am I worried, no. Was I concerned these guys could not handle any situation that came up, no. Everything we’ve done from the beginning with our business has been directed by the Lord. That includes who we have hired and the equipment we have purchased. This does not mean you abdicate your responsibility to exercise you God given talents. If anything you must use the skills He has endowed upon you to get the mission He has you on accomplished. However, at the end of the day, you do your best and leave God the rest.
Josh Wilson – Pushing Back The Dark
Our Counselor
Earlier this year, while negotiating one of our contracts, we had a competing entity attempt to persuade the leadership of one of the organization we work with to use them for streaming their races. This was an 11th hour shot across the bow. It came out of no where and understandably made us sit up and pay attention.
I remember writing about it at the time. Just a few days earlier, a friend was led by the Spirit to write a very encouraging note to me after reading one of my devotionals about our expansion. This was not the first time he has done this. Over the last 14 years, he and his wife, have spoken to us on 3 distinct occasions all relating to our walk with the Lord.
Remaining Vertical With God
Being accused of doing something I have not done or being slandered for holding a position of righteousness and then not defending myself is one of the most difficult things I have to deal with. The Lord says this about defending ourselves and seeking vengeance, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. Romans 12:19
It has been my experience the Lord is much better at defending me than I ever could. Time and time again, when people have harmed me, the Lord, in His time, has dealt with those individuals. Where I could have had immediate self satisfaction in dealing with the problem, the impact would have been minimal and made me seem small to those around me. Leaving it in the Lords hands was the best thing I could do. He impacted those peoples lives at a level I never could have.
Coming Out of Egypt
Before returning to the Father’s house in 2001, ambition drove my life. It did not matter if it was a personal or professional, it was all about what I wanted and my desire for the accolades of the world. When I met a goal, I would move on to my next desire. Those worldly goals continued after I started walking with the Lord.
For years I wanted to win a world championship in drag racing. I worked, strived, spent money I did not have to gain that goal. In 2004, I won my national championship. I received my awards at the year end banquet along with the applause of man. The glory quickly faded. What happened next surprised me more than anything. I lost the desire to compete.
Living an Obedience-Based Life
Satan wants nothing more than to gain a foothold in your walk. If he can get you to compromise on any aspect of your life, he wins. When those around you see you are unwilling to stand fast in your beliefs when the going gets tough, it significantly impacts your witness. Instead of being set apart, they see you as no different than anyone else.
We had a website customer come to us a few years back that was starting a clothing line. He wanted things done a certain way with his site. I explained we did not have the skill set to give him what he wanted. He said he understood and decided to change some of his requests. As we got ready to make his site live, in came the pictures of the clothing on models who were inappropriately dressed. No, they were not naked, but the pictures did not leave much to the imagination. I explained we could not use these because of our commitment to keep all of our websites family oriented.
God’s Authority
During my military career, I had several different squadron, group, and wing commanders whom I had to follow. Some where great men and women, others not so much. Regardless, I had no choice but to follow them because they had been place in authority over me. That’s the way it works in the military.
With God, you always have a choice to follow or not to follow His desires for your life. Having been ‘the captain of my own destiny’ for a portion of my life and doing a masterful job of messing it up, I chose to follow His lead on March 3rd 2001. No, my life has not been perfect, sometimes when you decide to go against the grain of society you pay a price. However, 13+ years later I can clearly state I have no regrets for my decision.