JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Paul’s Personal Mission Statement

The enemy wants nothing more than for us to come up against opposition in life and ultimately give up. Paul knew trouble and yet he did not quit. Why, because the mission the Lord had him on was more important than his personal comfort or goals in life.

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No Manna Stores

Have you ever been at a point in your life where you did not know how or when you were going to be able to pay your bills or where your next meal was coming from or you seemed lost for direction? If you have not been in the valley of despair, it’s only a matter of time before it will happened. Walking with the Lord can make all the difference in how you see your desert experience.

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Perseverance for Success

You know you can’t make this stuff up. When the Lord is speaking to you daily, sometimes hourly, it reassures you who you are in Him and His plans for your life. It seems like every devotional, every message I’ve heard preached over the last few weeks, has been selected specifically for the Lord to speak to me and our current situation in life and business.

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Disappointments happen in life. How you deal with them will reveal more about who you are and whom you serve than any other situation you will work through in life. When disruptions happen, we always lean on our Lord to understand. Proverbs 3:5-6 ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.’

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Belief or Unbelief

“I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request.” That was the line Captain Barboosa used in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie the ‘Curse of the Black Pearl’ when Elizabeth Swann asked him to stop the attack on Port Royal, leave and never come back . As she stared at him he put it in the simplest of terms and said, “that means no.”

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The Marketplace Psalm

Are you a man or woman of integrity? I’m not talking about do you agree or disagree with everything others have to say, but are you a person that can be trust to do the right thing regardless of the circumstances?

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Living Forward, Understanding Backward

Walking with the Lord always requires faith. Often faith and your relationship with Him is all you have to hold on to. As we circle back to March of 2001 to see where we have been the last 16 years, the journey has been nothing short of amazing.

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Read The Bible in A Year

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