JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Doing God’s Will

Prov. 3:5-6 ‘Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.’
The very first Sunday school classes I took, after I returned to the Father’s house, was taught from Henry Blackaby’s ‘Experiencing God’.  Out of everything I heard in that course, I remember the following principle.  When seeking God’s will, He will guide you in these ways: through the Bible, prayer, fellow Christ followers (the body of believers you have surrounded yourself with) and the circumstances of life.  While the first three are easy to understand, what does ‘the circumstances of life’ mean?

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It’s A Wonderful Life – A New Year Message

In 1946 the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, was released with mediocre results and reviews. It looked like it would never make any money and was deemed a box office failure. While the movie may not have seen initial success, it has become a staple of the American Christmas season, loved by millions and a classic must see movie each December.

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The Way of the Cross

As we prepare for the last event of the 2017 season on MMTV, we also prepare for the new year. This is the time of the year when reflection is utmost in peoples minds. Most are taking inventory of their year and starting to plan for the one ahead of them. While we do reflect on the past and look forward to the future, as Christ followers we have a different focus, one of gratitude for all the Lord has done for us and a giddy anticipation of what the Lord has for our future.

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Real Customer Service

Talk is cheap…action speak louder than words. While it never hurts to do the ‘wind work’, as my grandpa use to say, when it’s time to get the job done, then it’s time to stop talking and put your shoulder to the plow and get after it. That’s how I was raised.

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Root of Bitterness

Recently I seem more irritated with life than I normally do.  Yea, I can be a real crab at times.  I can’t seem to find one particular thing that has me aggravated, but there seems to be a general discontent in my soul.  This troubles me greatly.  Normally I’m an optimistic and happy person.

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The Lord Will Provide

A few weeks ago I was listening to a message about the plans the Lord has for each one of us. The pastor brought out many great points about how the Lord uses the circumstances of life as one of the many ways He guides us along the path. As he developed the message, he quoted a statement a friend made to him several years ago, “The only thing harder than waiting on God is wishing you had.” Read that statement again and let it sink in…

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The Butterfly Principle

Testing, testing, is this thing on?! I don’t remember exactly where I heard that statement for the first time, but I can relate it to our current life situation. Sometimes things just don’t seem to go right, no matter what you do. The odds are against you, your out of talent, money and time and there is nothing anyone can do to make whatever it is you are trying to accomplish happen.

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Read The Bible in A Year

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