JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Keep Walking…

Life will hand you good days and bad. It seems lately there’s been more bad than good. What’s a person to do, more importantly, what’s a Christ follower suppose to do. Join me at 8:25 Sunday morning to hear how we are handling it in our house.


How ‘Bout Some Good News!

It seems like every time I turn the TV on or look at social media, the world is coming to an end…well at least that’s what the Facebook professors would have you believe. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Join me tomorrow morning at 8:25 AM to hear more.


Guide, Guard and Groom

There are some days, weeks or months when I do exactly what the Lord asks me to do, then there’s this week…

If you’re having one of THOSE weeks or maybe just need a touch from the Lord, join me at 8:25 Sunday morning to hear more.


This, Too, Shall Pass

The last few weeks have been hard for all of us, regardless of where you live on our little planet. Let me remind you this did not catch our Father off guard or by surprise.

Join us at 8:25 Sunday morning to here what the Lord has to say about things happening in the world.


It’s Just Church!

Attending church has always been part of being a Christ follower, but sometimes things happen that drive us away from the church. Join me Sunday morning at 8:30 to learn about my journey on the road to church. I pray it encourages you!


The Enemy Within

It’s hard enough dealing with opposition from the outside, but when it comes from inside your house it makes it all the harder. Join us as we continue our series Life, Love and Leadership based on the book of Nehemiah.



Read The Bible in A Year

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