JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Fear Not!

The times we live in seem perilous at best. At every corner of the world, governments are unraveling to include our own. What should we do? Where should we go? Who should we talk to? Join us tomorrow at 8:25 to hear more.


Waiting and Hoping

So often we seem like we wait and wait and wait for something to happen, yet it never does. That is so frustrating. What do you do when that happens? Join us tomorrow morning at 8:25 to hear what I’ve learned from the Lord about waiting, especially in the season we find ourselves in!


A Clean Slate

With the birth of Christ and the beginning of a new year, we get a clean slate to start off the new year. But do we really? What did we learn from the previous year? Can we just forget and move on? I don’t think so. Join us early at 7:25 to hear more.


Grateful in a Year of Madness

2020 will undoubtedly go down as one of the most difficult years in my life. At least that’s how some will want to remember it and say goodbye!

As I reflect on this past year the Lord has shown me my life has been very good, much better than ever anticipated or expected. Join us at 8:25 Sunday morning to hear more of what the Lord shared with me this past week about my life in 2020.


Who Is Your Source?

When times are hard, who do you look to for strength, provision and guidance? Some will talk to the world, others their family or friends.

While those people are certainly OK and can even be beneficial at times, ultimately we must look to the Lord for how He would have us act, react and proceed in life. Join us at 8:25 to learn more about how our Father would have us act and react to life.


Who Do You Serve?

Genesis chapter 24 tells the story of serving our Lord and those placed in authority over you. When given different options, who do you decide to serve? The options are many. Join us at 8:25 to hear more.



Read The Bible in A Year

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