JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

A Revelation for Today’s Church

Many years ago I had a dream, one that was so real, so poignant, it woke me in the middle of the night.

The dream faded from my memory until this week when the Lord brought it back to my memory. Tomorrow morning at 7:25 I’ll share the dream and what the Lord says it means.


Who’s Your Daddy?

Life throws us curveballs all the time, especially these days. So how do you handle it? Do you fuss, cuss, yell, pray, reflect or do??? Maybe try a little faith…just a thought.

Join us tomorrow at 7:25 to see what I learned this week.


All Things New

Restoration is when you bring something back that was stolen, fix something that was broken or renew something that has been used up. But what does the Lord mean when He says he’s going to repay you for the years the locusts have eaten? Is it the same thing?

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning as we discuss what all this means.


Walk His Way

It’s becoming more difficult each day to walk in the light of the Lord. It seems as though most follower of Jesus can’t figure out if they want to represent Christ or fill their carnal desires.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:25 to hear how you can be better.


Be An Encourager

So many times we miss the simple things in life that help other much more than we could ever imagine. Something as easy as saying thank you can have a huge impact on a persons day, week, month or event life.

Join us at 7:25 tomorrow morning to hear more.



Read The Bible in A Year

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