The Headlines of Life
If you had to give your life a headline that explains your life story what would it be? Are you defined by the world around you or the living God? What are the elements that make up your life and what story does it tell?
Paul made a serious statement in 1 Cor 15:1-2 about who we are if we are willing to believe. Join us tomorrow morning at 7:25 as we examine The Headlines of Life.
Casual Christianity
It seems we get farther and farther from the reality of who we are suppose to be as Christ followers. So much so, that it’s hard to tell a believer from a none believer anymore. What we say and how we say it has meaning, even if it seems harmless. We must walk the narrow pass, even if people think it’s silly.
J.C. Ryle said this, “If friends will not walk the narrow way with us, then we should not walk the broad way to please them. Health is not infectious, but disease is.”
Join us tomorrow morning at 7:25 for Casual Christianity, it will open your eyes.
Protect Your Heart, Mind and Soul
Today exists an evil none of us have ever seen before. It sits at the upper levels of society and in our governments, ruling over mankind like a king who cares nothing about his people, just his own pleasure and existence.
These entities will stop at nothing to ensure their agenda is foremost in societies mind. As Christ followers what are we suppose to do?
The Lord gave us specific instructions, through Paul, on how we move forward in times like this. Join us tomorrow morning at 7:25 to hear more.
Are You Ready?
I often asked myself am I ready for what is coming? Have I prepared as the Lord has directed? Am I willing to go the extra mile in His service or am I just giving Him lip service? Am I comparing myself and my situation to others and how they are doing His work? So many questions.
Join us tomorrow morning at 7:25. It’s going to be interesting.
I’ll be hanging out after the message for a live Q&A session. So if you have any questions about the info I go over, I’ll do my best to answer them!
When Doubt Creeps In
My Life His Way Part 2
My Life His Way
For the first 45 years of my life I did what I wanted, how I wanted, when I wanted and had little regard for the impact on others.
When I became a Christ follower, I started on the journey to release control and do life His way. The results have been dramatic.
Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to learn how you can do life His way too.