JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Holy Boldness

It’s time to stand up for what is right. It’s time to stop being ashamed of who you are or Who’s you are. As Christ followers we must speak truth in love.
Join us at 7:25 as we talk about what the Lord means in all of us. Time to put timidity away.

Order from Chaos

Chaos is the norm these days or at least that’s what some people would have you believe. They want you to think of god with a small g and not the God we know as all powerful creator of all things in the universe God. I love one posters comment about how the ‘he or she or all knowing master’ is something we can not begin to understand. I find that laughable.

He is showing His hand more each day with all the noise mixed in. The worshipers of Baal would have you believe their god is more powerful than ours and yet they are defeated at every turn.

Join us at 7:25 tomorrow morning as we explore all the Lord has for us and how He has been there all along regardless of the circumstances of life.


A Good Father

What makes up a good father? Was your dad a good role model for you? The lord has some instructions on how fathers are suppose to act towards their children.

Join us at 7:25 to see what He showed me this week.


It’s Just Life

Stuff happens in life, but there are times when it seems like it’s always happening to me! I know we’ve all felt that way at times. I can honestly say I’ve been there done that, got the t-shirt, watched the movie and bought the coffee cup.

I certainly don’t mean to make lite of life’s issues, but sometimes it’s just that, life.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:25 eastern as we explore Psalm 103 and the sovereignty of our God.


My Strength Comes from the Lord

When life gets hard whom do you turn to? The Lord is ever present in our lives and wants to see us through every trial. Whether it’s the valley of despair or the joy of the mountain top, He is with us.

There is great wisdom in the old testament. Join us Sunday morning at 7:25 as we explore what Joshua learned.


Live Now!

We’ve all heard the term life’s short with a few additional words like, don’t worry, be happy, you only go around once, grab all the gusto you can. Life is short in the grand scheme of things. We need to live it to it’s fullest and the only way to do that is to love people.

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to here what the Lord has to say about loving others.



Read The Bible in A Year

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