JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Mind Games

Confused…that’s the best way to describe how I feel often these days. It’s like my sanity is slowly slipping away, yet the truth of scripture fly’s in the face of our daily reality. What in the world is going on!?

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to hear more and maybe, just maybe find the truth our Lord is been trying to show you.


Share the Blessings

I have a few questions, are you blessed by the Lord? If so, then how are you sharing your blessings with others? If you aren’t sharing, why not?

Paul gave the Corinthians and us some great words on the Lord’s blessings.

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to hear more.


His Victory

I have learned again, this past week, that the Lord is in complete control of our world no matter what you believe. He showed me some very interesting realities in our scripture for this message and those verses surrounding it.

Join us at 7:25 eastern to hear what He showed me.


Peace in the Change

So many things are in turmoil these days. Rising costs across all aspects of our lives. Criminals that seem to go unpunished and a political system out of control with corruption and lies every where we look. It makes you wonder if anything can change.

Paul talks about a peace that transcends all understanding, one that comes from the Lord. But how, where and when do we get that peace? Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning as we discuss a peace that can only come from our Father.


Knocked Down, Then Get Up!

The enemy attacks us constantly. He wants to see if he can dissuade us from the path our Lord has for us. Isaiah was trying to get the Israelites to return to the Lords path for them as a nation. They were stiff necked and unresponsive. We can learn much from what they failed to do and what we should be doing.

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to hear more.


Time to be BOLD

In the days we find ourselves, we must be willing to step up and step out for the Lord. We’ve all had a conversion to walking in His light, wouldn’t you want that for everyone?

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to hear more.


His Hands and Feet

There are times when you feel invisible to the world, those around you and even our Lord. These are the times when we are working the hardest for the Kingdom and yet it seems we are having little impact. That simply isn’t true!

Join us Sunday morning at 7:25 to hear what the Lord is saying about His use of your talents for moving the Kingdom forward.



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