JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Attitude Is Everything

Life can get down right hard at times and cause us to be discouraged and lose hope. David experienced this reality as a young man and in his old age. Yes, even kings have difficult times.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:25 as we discuss what we can learn from David’s experiences and how we can apply them to our own lives.


He Chose You

Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem thrilled many and angered the Jewish leadership. Who was this man and who was He suppose to be, king, savior, prophet, the son of man, the messiah, who?

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning as we talk about this special time in Jesus’s life and what it meant.


We Are His Chosen

How does the Lord see us? Time and time again He’s shown us in scripture and through our daily lives how He chose us and wants to bless us. But how does that happen?

Join us Sunday morning at 7:25 to hear what He has to say on the topic.



Read The Bible in A Year

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