JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Big Assignments

First, let me thank our Father for His hand in our lives and everyone for your prayers. Last night we received word the big contract we’ve been waiting on has come through. We will make the details public as soon as we can.

As I look at the last 15 years, I can see how our Lord has orchestrated our lives for this day. His hand of preparation is distinct and individualized.

Our business journey started in 2001 when we built our first website for JAMA Racing Ministry. I think about our abilities then and now, the contrast is striking. We started working in video and live streaming when I was employed at Your Way Network in 2005. That same year we would start building commercial websites.

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Finding The Will Of God

It seems when God is wanting to get my attention, He sends message after message with the same theme. These days I’m hearing we (the body of Christ) need to press in deeper with Him. The only way I know how to do that is to spend time with Him through scripture, prayer, teaching and worship.

Now, before we go off the deep end, I’m not talking about hours and hours here, unless you are led to do that, I’m talking about intentional time. It doesn’t matter when, each of us are wired differently, just that you take the time to do it. So pick a part of day that works for you and be intentional with Him.

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Fan the Faith, Diffuse the Doubt

One would call me an eternal optimists. For the most part I see the good in life. I choose to look at the positive. For instance, what should I do if the big contract we are waiting on does not come through? No need to kick the dog or scream at the wife or throw something, it’s time to ask the Lord what’s next? If He’s been faithful to this point and the thing you are waiting on does not happen, then there is a reason. The hardest thing, accepting that we may never understand why it did not happen.

In that moment, doubt in our Lord can and will creep in, it happens, it’s normal. When I find myself in this place, I’m reminded of all the things the Lord has done for me. Where He has brought me from, where he is taking me to and all of the promises He has made to me.

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Knowing and Doing God’s Will

Understanding God’s will for your life can only come from one thing, your relationship with our Creator.

The very first Sunday school classes I took, when I returned to the Father’s house, was taught from Henry Blackaby’s ‘Experiencing God’.

Out of everything I heard in that course, I remember the following principle. When seeking God’s will, He will guide you in these ways: through the Bible, prayer, fellow Christ followers (the Church) and the circumstances of life. While the first three are easy to understand, what does ‘the circumstances of life’ mean?

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Your Secular Work Is Ministry

I don’t believe I can add anything of value to this devotional.  This is how our company sees it’s work.  We glorify Him in everything we do.


Your Secular Work Is Ministry
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving (Col 3:23-25).

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Whom Shall I Fear?

This is my anthem in this season of my life.  Be encouraged in the Lord today!


Read The Bible in A Year

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