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This Man Jesus

I receive emails from Angus Buchan (Faith Like Potatoes) a few times monthly updating us on his ministry.  I also follow him on Facebook.  This morning he posted this video on done by one of the young men under his charge.  I believe you will find it as interesting as I did.

Avoiding Self-Based Faith

I remember when I was living apart from God. I knew I needed a relationship with Him, but kept putting it off because I wanted to ‘get my life right’ before I came back to the Fathers house. I guess I wanted something along the line of a conquering hero’s welcome. Believing that was the way it was suppose to be was a big lie.

In all actuality, I found it was much better for me to come to Him in my brokenness. He accepted me right where I was with no preconditions. Coming humbly before the Lord, in itself, taught me the lesson of grace. He accepted me with all of the ugliness of my sin and choose to forgive me completely.

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Consider the Source – Series Recap

Throughout the Bible, God shows us He is a provider. He tells us not to worry because He knows all our needs. Still, most of us find it hard to trust God when it comes to our job performance, bank account, or relationship status. Why do we struggle entrusting God with our future? How do we learn to live with open hands in a world that tells us to hold on to what we have?

There’s More Where That Came From, Consider the Source – Week 2

We work hard to make a living, and many of us are not sure how or why we should give any of it away. Besides, after the mortgage and the bills and the tuition payments, there really isn’t much left over. But Scripture tells a very different story when describing what belongs to us and what belongs to God. In part 2 of our series Consider the Source, Pastor Steven challenges the way we approach our giving, and why our generosity says a lot about how we view God.

Don’t Forget Where You Come From, Consider the Source – Week 1

In the middle of our daily struggles, it can be easy to focus on ourselves and get caught up in a wave of worry. Why is this happening? What did we do wrong? When are things going to get better? But God tells us to look in a different place. In the first part of our series Consider the Source, Pastor Steven teaches us what God says about our situations and our worry, and why knowing where we come from is paramount in understanding where we’re going.

Little & Large, Ken Costa

This is an incredible message, I highly recommend it.

Big events are often sparked by the smallest acts of kindness, obedience, and bold faith. In this message from Ken Costa, chairman of Alpha International, and author of the book, “God at Work”, he explains how God is a multiplier, and that every small act for Him will produce a large, invaluable reward. When we let Him in to our lives, our work, and our relationships, Jesus Christ changes everything.

Talk About It, Crash the Chatterbox – Week 6

We hear a lot of stuff, from a lot of different sources. When a relationship fails, a business venture falls through, or we hear something about ourselves that was hard to take — how do we know if it is God’s voice or the enemy’s that we’re listening to? In the final part of our series Crash the Chatterbox, Pastor Steven led a question and answer session, and reminded us that no matter what we face, if we turn our hearts to God for guidance, He will be there with us.

Read The Bible in A Year
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