The Enemies of Change
Can You Hear Me?
I Serve at His Pleasure, part 3 – On Purpose
Each day we make decisions on what we eat, what we wear, where we go and who we associate with. I call that doing things on purpose. But what about your walk with the Lord, are ya as purposeful there too. Join me at 7:25 AM (yes and hour earlier that normal) as we finish up our series on serving the Lord.
I Serve at His Pleasure, part 2 – The Reminder
This is part 2 of the message we started last week. It gets harder and harder to maintain your focus on the One who has called us. There are so many distractions, at times I’m not sure what to do. Quit looks good more often now than it ever has. What should we do when we get to this point in life? Join me Sunday morning at 8:25 to hear more.