It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


What Ya Waitin’ For?

I am a world class procrastinator. I can come up with excuse after excuse why I can wait to do something tomorrow or next week or next year. Unfortunately that can hurt you and make you miss out on a lot of things in life. Join us tomorrow morning at 8:25 to hear why I ain’t waitin’ no more!

Refuse to Quit!

If you feel like you are wasting your time these days, you are not alone. We have choices on how we will proceed with His will for lives.

Are you in that place these days, maybe a little disappointed or even depressed with the way life is going? Then join us early tomorrow for at 8:25 AM for a message of encouragement!

A Bit of a Mess, Final Chapter

Today we finish our impromptu series about eh 7 things the Lord has spoke to us over the last many months. Today we tackle us, the Christ followers of today and what we should be doing in the times we find ourselves in.

Join us early tomorrow at 7 AM eastern and don’t forget to set you clocks ahead tonight!

Read The Bible in A Year
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