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More For Us

There are days the enemy will try to back you into a corner and declare you are all alone. That’s simply a lie. Time after time the Lord has shown His hand strong for all to see. Join us at 8:25 to hear more.

In His Hands

It seems that every time I open a devotional or daily scripture, the Lord is telling me He has this. I can tell you today I needed that!

Join us tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM to discuss how He handles everything if you’ll just let Him.


Ohana, it translates in part as family from the Hawaiian language. Does it apply to us as Christ followers, yes. Does it have a much deeper meaning, oh yeah. Join us tomorrow morning at 8:25 for more ohana.

Whose Battle Is It?

Do you need to defend yourself? I’m not talking about defending yourself from physical harm, but against people who talk ugly about you or do things to harm your reputation. What’s your responsibility and how do you handle it? Join us early tomorrow at 7:25 to hear more!

It’s Never Too Late

Time is one of the most precious commodities all of us have in life. It’s something you can never get back once it’s past.

This week the Lord showed me that it’s never to late to take care of certain thing in life. Want to hear more? Join us at 8:25 Sunday morning.


There seems to be a new word in our world, hopeium. Just what does that mean and how does it apply to us as Christ followers. Join us t 8:25 Sunday morning to hear more.

Power of the One

There is no power on earth that compares to the Lord. In good times and bad He is always teach, showing and helping us on our mission, even when it seems like all is lost. Join us at 8:25 tomorrow morning to hear how He helps all of us!

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