It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Created to Win

God wants the best for His people. He wants to bless up, He wants to see us prosper, he wants us to have impact for the Kingdom. But what does that look like? Does it mean we win every battle? Join us tomorrow morning at 7:25 to hear more.

Struggling to Embrace Your Call

Why is it when we know that we know the Lord has called us to a specific task, place or mission do we hesitate to move forward? As we finish up our series on Esther, I have a few ideas on what may be stopping you/us/me.

Join us at 7:25 tomorrow morning for Week 5 of For Such a Time as This.

What Goes Around Comes Around

One of the things I struggle with is watching evil people prosper. I want to take justice into my own hands because I, optimum word is I, want to ensure they are punished.

It’s been my experience the Lord is much better at that vengeance thing than we ever could be. Join us at 7:25 tomorrow morning for week 4 of Esther, Made for this Moment.

The Power of One

As long as I can remember, I have held the belief that one person can make a difference. The world would have you believe that is an impossibility, that it takes the ‘collective’ to make change happen. I disagree with the world’s view…imagine that!?

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:25 for week 3 of Esther: Made for This Moment.


Esther, Made for this Moment

We start a new series this Sunday based on the book of Esther and all that happened to her and those involved with her story. But is it really her story or a story about the goodness of our God?

Join us at our new time Sunday 7:25 for, part 1, The Real Hero of Your Story.

Life in the Spirit

I lead a life unlike many these days. I am led by the Spirit of the Lord. That’s not always an easy task, especially when times are tough or when I want something that’s outside of the Lords timing.

Join us early tomorrow morning at 7:25 as we learn more of walking with the Lord daily.

Read The Bible in A Year
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