Walk This Way
Who’s Your Daddy?
All Things New
Restoration is when you bring something back that was stolen, fix something that was broken or renew something that has been used up. But what does the Lord mean when He says he’s going to repay you for the years the locusts have eaten? Is it the same thing?
Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning as we discuss what all this means.
Walk His Way
Be An Encourager
A few years back there was a movie by the name Courageous. It was a fictions story about a group of police officers in a rural Georgia town who took up the mantle of courage when faced with the daily challenges of life and how their actions impact those around them.
The Lord is calling His people to pick a courageous attitude when it comes to life on our planet today. The question is are you willing to do so? Join us at 7:25 tomorrow morning to hear more.