Turning Point – No Going Back
Would it surprised you to know that at times most Christ followers experience feeling distant from God as we walk through life with Him? For me, I pray daily; I read the Word daily. But sometimes I sense I’m away from Him. I’m not in His presence the way I felt it, His presence, before. But at the same time, it doesn’t worry me because I know I’ve been through that season in the past just like many others.
When these times happen, reversing course might seem easier than hunkering down and staying the course.
Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we talk about these dry times and how to work through them.
Turning Point – Fasten Your Seatbelt, Turbulence Ahead
I think we all long for life to beat at a steady rhythm, a predictable hum of daily routines and responsibilities. Yet, despite our best efforts to create stability, life seldom offers us a business-as-usual experience. Life is in a constant state of flux, demanding our adaptability and faith.
But what do you do when life get’s you down and things don’t goes as planned? You improvise, adapt and overcome! Join us at 7:05 Sunday morning as we look at a great example of a man that did just that when life got hard, really hard!
Turning Point – Be Courageous
What has the Lord called you to do? Are you doing it or not sure or have plainly said NO!
We will spend our lives trying to climb the ladder of success only to find it was leaning against the wrong wall. Others spend their lives trying to win the rat race and after winning the race they discover they are still just a rat. If Jesus and all He has for us is not our destination, then we are on the wrong road.
Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we talk about strength and courage and drawing on these parts of life from the Lord.
Turning Point, Our Spiritual Markers
Life can feel overwhelmingly ordinary at times. The routine of daily tasks—commuting to work, cooking meals, managing household chores—often seems mundane and disconnected from spiritual significance. Yet, the Apostle Paul reminds us that every aspect of our everyday life can become a beautiful act of worship when surrendered to God.
We have so many examples of people the Lord called out of life’s wanderings to do His work. Has He called you out, perhaps today with be your turning point!
Join us at 7:05 Sunday morning as we kick off the new year! Remember we will celebrate communion at the end of service.
Renew the Fire
Do you remember what it was like when you first turned your life over to Jesus? I felt 10 foot talk, maybe not bulletproof, but that there was more on my side than against me. As time wears on we start to forget what it was like in the beginning when we first started walking with the Lord.
As the new year dawns, we need to examine and renew that fire that once burned deep inside us. Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we dig into the subject of renewing and refreshing our walk.
The Key? Find Joy!
For the last few weeks we’ve talked about how bad things happening to good people and good things happening to bad people and worked though trying to understand and make sense of how that all works. We found that the Lord will use us as examples of righteousness in our discussion about Job and his trials. Then last week we talked about envying those who have what we don’t believe they deserve.
In both of these messages we realize the sovereignty of our God and that He will decide what will and will not happen based on His plans for each of us. Big question, how do we get beyond all of this when everything seems so unfair?
Join us at 7:05 tomorrow morning as we learn what His plan is for us!
Envy Much?
It’s easy to feel discouraged when you’ve poured your heart into a goal and see others thriving, while your dreams seem to stall. You notice acknowledgment, success, and promotions come effortlessly for those around you, and envy starts to stir in your heart and mind. You wonder why they appear so blessed while you work so hard.
Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we dig into the root of envy and how to work through those feelings.