It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Led by the Spirit

How do you deal with life? Is it a 5 year plan, 10 year plan, make life goals or something different?

We’ve found our lives work best when we are led by the Holy Spirit on what, when, where and how to move forward. Given the world’s current situation, leaving the driving and direction up to the Lord is the best plan.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:25 to see how we do things in our lives.

Be His Light

As the world drives off the proverbial cliff, His people will be needed more than ever to help shine a light in the coming darkness.

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to hear what the Lord needs us to do.

Seek His Peace

Finding peace of mind, heart and soul these days has become ever more difficult. What should you do to find peace? We need to look no further than to Jesus and see how He dealt with finding peace during His life.

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning for more.


Remember Whose You Are

As we drive further and further into uncertainty, it is more critical now than ever we understand who we are and to whom we belong. Christ is the answer in all things.

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning as we dig deeper into the topic.


What happens to you if you hold aught in your heart against someone? I’m talking I will not forgive them for any reason aught!

Join us Sunday morning at 7:25 to hear what the Lord has to say about it.

Distractions – Count the Cost

We’ve talked about so much during this mini-series, but the one thing we haven’t talked about is how distraction impact you on a personal basis. Simply put, it can mean the difference between life and death.

Join us at 7:25 Sunday to learn more.

Distractions, Stay the Course

Last week we talk about all the garbage going on in the world and how it can distract us from following Jesus.

Distraction can also take us off task through demoralizing circumstances. That’s what we are going to talk about this week!

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning.

Read The Bible in A Year
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