It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


A Clean Slate, A New Life

We must learn from history or we are doomed to repeat it. Winston Churchill said it this way as part of a speech in the British parliament in 1948. ‘Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it”

We all have history on this planet and can learn valuable lessons from our own mistakes and miscues. As we walk into the new year, have you looked at the past and moved on or are you stuck?

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning as we look at how the Lord handles our past.

Wonderful Counselor

What a blessing Christmas is for all of us! The time with family, friends and co-workers can only be replaced with our Wonderful Counselor, Jesus.

Joins us tomorrow morning at 7:25 for a message of hope as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

Faith or Fear… You decide

Satan uses everything he can to create fear in our lives. It’s always personal and drug up from the depths of your life. But we can over come the enemy of our soul through Christ.

Join us at 7:25 tomorrow morning as we talk about the decisions we must make each day to fight the good fight of faith!

Focus on the Lord

Maintaining focus in today’s world has gotten even more difficult with all that’s going on. This attention-grabbing life we live is full of distractions and its constant pull draws our focus away from our true purpose – our relationship with God.

What are the pitfalls of these distractions and how do we keep ourselves from falling into them?

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to hear more.

A Place Called “There”

As we walk the path the Lord has set before us, we often find ourselves in place that is unfamiliar and, at times, uncomfortable. I call that place “there”.

It doesn’t have a name because it’s not somewhere you want to stay, yet we find ourselves in “there” as we walk with the Lord. The question is, what to do as we wait?

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning for A Place Called “There”.

Mind Games

Confused…that’s the best way to describe how I feel often these days. It’s like my sanity is slowly slipping away, yet the truth of scripture fly’s in the face of our daily reality. What in the world is going on!?

Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to hear more and maybe, just maybe find the truth our Lord is been trying to show you.

Read The Bible in A Year
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