Don’t Give Up!
We become weary and burdened, facing trials and challenges that seem insurmountable, but we know we are being obedient to the Lord? Our anticipation sees the road ahead littered with obstacles, challenges and uncertainties, and our heart and mind are tired. Don’t give up!
Know that our obedience and perseverance are not in vain. It is the pathway to a glorious reward, woven into the very fabric of our faith and obedience to the Lord.
Join us at 7:05 tomorrow morning for praise and worship and a timely message from the Lord.
Livin’ The Dash – All In
Over the last few weeks we’ve met two people whom we really don’t know much about, the nameless widow and the prophet Elijah. We saw how, in spite of their circumstances, they were obedient to what God asked them to do. It took great courage to do the bidding of God. Elijah took on the most powerful man in all of Israel and a widow woman who was willing to give up the last of her food to feed a complete stranger in the time of famine. How did they get to the point in their lives where they could be obedient to God’s word under such dire consequences?
It’s really very simple, the leading of His Holy Spirit. The Lord is with us on our journey through life. There are many things out of our control, like tore up electrical service, the behavior of others and the past. But, what we can control is our response to Him and to the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
Join us at 7:05 for praise and worship and then a message about following God unabashed!
More From The Brook
There are steps in our faith. Elijah had to deliver the message of a drought before the Lord could show himself faithful at the brook. He had to go to the brook before the encounter with the widow. The provision of the brook had to be removed before the miracle of the flour and oil.
God is a God of order. That doesn’t mean he does things in OUR order, but His.
Join us tomorrow morning as we continue to learn more from the experiences of the widow of Zarephath and the prophet Elijah.
God’s Hand
God chose to take the life of the prophet Elijah and intertwine it with the life of this widow. The woman, only referred to as the “widow of Zarephath,” demonstrates a powerful faith through her obedience in today’s scripture.
God’s hand on the prophet and widows lives was striking and undeniable.
Join us at 7:05 tomorrow morning for praise and worship and a message about faith.
Let Go and Let God
Are you feeling weighed down by the burdens of life? Do you yearn for true freedom and a life filled with joy and purpose? If so, here’s the good news – true freedom is available to us in and through Christ. We can let go of the burdens and guilt that bind us. We can be free if we are willing to say yes to His path for our lives.
Join us at 7:05 for our new music program followed by a time of greeting and updates followed by this weeks message.
Blessed and Highly Favored
Last Saturday, at precisely noon, marked the middle of the year, indicating that we have journeyed through 182 days and 12 hours of 2023. We have another 182 days and 12 hours remaining to complete the year successfully.
We made it, and we are doing well! God has been with us every step of the way in the first half of this year and will continue through the summer and fall.
There are so many lessons coming from the old testament this year, things His people need to hear or be reminded of.
Join us at 7:05 tomorrow as we start the morning off with praise and worship followed by a time of greeting before the message.
All for His Glory
I am constantly reminded that our lives are not for our pleasure, but for the glory of the Lord. I believe the enemy of our soul wants nothing more than to convince us that what we do for the Lord is worthless and unproductive at best.
Join us Sunday at 7:25 as we show, first hand, how the Lord uses our callings for His glory!