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Even The Deplorables

Have you ever believed the lie that your past is so bad, not even God could love you and forgive you? Most of the community in Jesus’ day believed that about a rich, tax collector named Zacchaeus (Luke 19:2).

Tax collectors served the Roman Empire, with broad authority to prosecute anyone who did not pay, as well as the ability to force citizens to pay even more than what they really owed. Zacchaeus had accumulated large amounts of illegitimate wealth. His fellow Jews saw him as a thief and a traitor.

But Jesus called Zacchaeus by name and invited himself to his home. The people with Jesus were appalled that Jesus would go to the home of a sinner. It was very counterculture for Jesus’ day, yet He paid no attention to their comments, and extended the gift of salvation, demonstrating that salvation cannot be earned or bought, but a gift given freely from God.

Join us at 7:05 tomorrow morning for praise and worship and a message about how Jesus can fix anything. Don’t forget, we will have communion tomorrow.

No Return Access

In the hustle and bustle of life, we must take time to escape the noise and distractions surrounding us. In these few precious moments of solitude, as we spend time with God and discover the transformative power of quiet, He wants to reveal His boundless love, peace and wisdom to us.

Jesus calls us to seek the quiet refuge of solitude. Within these moments of intentional retreat, we can truly connect with our heavenly Father. Away from the clamoring voices, the busyness of life and the distractions that compete for our attention, we will find a sacred space where we can connect with the Creator and seek His peace and direction.

Quietness with God brings us peace and renews our strength. Join us at 7:05 Sunday as we seek peace through our Lord.

Be Still

Every day is a canvas where His glory can be revealed through us because we are His vessel of light, love and hope. Being dedicated to what seems ordinary and doing our best to acknowledge His authority and direction, brings Him great delight.

A smile we share with a stranger, the time we spend listening to a friend’s troubles, the patience we exercise during mundane tasks – these are all instances where God’s majesty shines through us. Every small act of kindness and moments we choose love over bitterness reflects His character.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we talk about enjoying the goodness of our God in daily life.

Surrendered & Empowered

We’ve got the power! He lives in us, and it’s not just a little power. It’s the power that raised Christ from the dead.

Have you ever daydreamed about having one of the superpowers those fictional superheroes have? Something that would help you get through the challenges you are facing? So much is pulling at you from all directions. Your job, your family and your other commitments swirl around in your mind as you race to the next project, program, place or activity calling your name.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we talk about the power we have as Christ followers.

Surrendered for Truth

In life’s turbulent journey, you might discover your greatest battles take place – not in the world outside – but within the confines of your mind. Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Anchored in 2 Timothy 1:7, we can find encouragement to tap into our divine inner strength and promote a positive mindset to overcome adversities and our adversary, the devil.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 for a time of praise and worship and a word from the Lord.

Surrendered for Victory

Feeling stuck in your spiritual journey can sometimes lead you to question your faith, your connection to God and even the joy that once filled your heart. But remember, it’s in these moments of doubt and uncertainty where a profound spiritual transformation can begin. Think of these times not as roadblocks, but as turning points, leading you to awaken to His divine light.

You have the potential to radiate God’s light and love, impacting not only your life but also the lives of those around you. And this begins with an awakening, a personal spiritual revolution.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 for how to live in victory.

Surrendered to Share

A hurting world needs to hear the good news of abundant life in Christ.

The gospel is a message of hope, a transformative power that changes lives. It is not just a set of beliefs; it is the living Word of God, breathed into existence by the Almighty Himself.

When the early believers faced challenges and opposition, they sought strength through prayer.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we finish up our Surrendered series.

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