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Peace That Transcends Everything

What steals your peace? Finances, relationships, children, spouse, health and so much more as we perceive life, the list just goes on and on. The Lord implores us to be anxious for nothing; to turn from that anxiousness and know His peace. I know, I know, much easier said then done. We take things that do not matter and allow the enemy to turn them into cataclysmic events worthy of our rage when in all reality they are nothing in the grand scheme of life. That’s how he steals our peace.

There are to many things in our life that we take for granted that we would do anything in the world to regain if we lost them. This is what the devil does, he moves our focus from the significant to the mundane stealing our peace all along the way.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we digest Paul’s instruction to the church in Philippi and how they apply to us today.

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