It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Your Path In Life

Living out God’s purpose means aligning our daily actions and decisions with His will. It requires seeking His guidance through prayer and Scripture, listening for His voice, and obeying His promptings. It’s about using our unique gifts and talents to serve others and bring glory to His name. When we live with this perspective, our life takes on new meaning. We begin to see every interaction and task as an opportunity to fulfill God’s plan for our lives. Each plan is based on us as individuals, our life experiences, our desires and

It could be an encouraging word to a coworker, patience with your children, or a helping hand to a neighbor. Though these acts may seem small, they are significant in God’s eyes and contribute to the story He is writing through you.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk about walking His path for your life. Also, don’t forget, we will celebrate the Lord’s supper!

Read The Bible in A Year
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