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Will You Enter

If we will be patient and listen for His voice, He will guide us. What we must do, is not try and accomplish what He has asked us to do in our own strength. One of the hardest things for any ‘type A’ personality to do is sit on your hands and wait for direction.

I am just as guilty of this as anyone. Many years ago, the Lord was showing me what He was going to do with our business. It was the vision for what would come, MotorManiaTV. Instead of waiting for Him to provide open doors and resources, I jumped in with both feet. It nearly ruined our chances to create the business, less alone build it into what it has become.

Hindsight being 20/20, I see that had I been patient and waited, He would have saved me untold amounts of aggravation and angst. This is why it is so critical for us to wait for His lead on the next step of our expansion. This is a significant crossroad, if we take the wrong fork, it could easily mean complete disaster. I have found it is best to do nothing than do the wrong thing. Often we feeling like we must do something so the world doesn’t think you are vacillating. If you feel that way, this is a sure sign to do nothing.

I am seeing and hearing from multiple sources that we must wait for His guidance on our next step. Time to continue the march and finish the work He has for us. He will take care of the future.


Will You Enter?
by Os Hillman

“Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff.” Numbers 20:11a

Will you fulfill the destiny God has for your life? Perhaps you have never thought about it. God had a perfect plan for Moses to lead the people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. It’s been said the hardest place to score a touchdown is from the goal line. You’re almost there. But there is something about crossing over that makes those last few yards the most difficult. Moses failed at the goal line, and it prevented him from finishing well a glorious life of service for God.

The people of Israel were complaining that they did not have water to drink. It was another of many tests for Israel. Moses inquired of God and God said, “…Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water” (Num. 20:8a). Moses, in his frustration and anger with the people, began to act on his own and made a strategic mistake. Instead of speaking to the rock, he struck the rock twice with his staff. In spite of his disobedience, the rock poured forth water.

God was calling Moses to a different dimension. Moses was to use his words to speak the miracle. However, he not only lost his temper, but he also took credit and dishonored God. He used his staff, the symbol of his work life as a shepherd, to force the provision.

When we become callous, we can use our skills and abilities to force what we believe should happen. We take control. When we do this, we are in danger of failing to enter the Promised Land of blessing from God. Living in life’s spiritual dimension requires patience and obedience. Beware of solving problems in your own strength. God wants to bring you into the Promised Land of His blessing. But it will require walking in the spiritual dimension.

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