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Warning Signs, part 1

Whenever the Lord needs to tell me something of significance, He will use a series of ‘messages’ to get my ‘attention’. That may seem a bit strange to some, however, it has been my experience that when something important is about to happen, good or bad, He will let me know in this manner.

The messages come in a variety of formats and always in three. This is not superstition, three is the Lord’s number for completion. It’s one thing to hear or read a scripture or thought on it’s own merit. However, when that same message comes in a succession of three, seemingly random ways, and aligns with the Lord’s word, I stop and take note.

The format varies and takes many forms. It often starts with a random scripture, something that just drops into my head from nowhere. Over the next day or two, I will hear that same principle echoed again and again. The confirmations are as varied as the forms of communication. They are, but not limited to, a sermon, a teaching, a tweet, a Facebook posting, a devotional, a thought in a book, a statement in a video, a message from a friend, etc.

Some might call this type of happening intuition, or write it off as coincidence. My history with the Lord has shown me one thing, our Father wants the best for us. If we are willing to listen, He will warn us when danger is coming. We are no different, we would do the same for our own children or friends.

We must remember, when we want something, no one is better at convincing us than ourselves. Be it a material possession or a person, we do a very good job of deceiving ourselves. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 (I highly recommend you read all of Proverbs 4, it’s rich in wisdom.) More in the part 2.


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