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Walking in the Darkness

It seems like the Lord has been silent the last few months as we’ve worked through a complete change in how our business operates. With us temporarily shutting down our second unit, we’ve had to do some serious soul searching on how to move forward. As always, the Lord has shown the way.

With 2 of the most difficult and challenge races we have ever produced behind us, especially this past weekends Sweet 16 event which was Drag Week meets the PDRA, I have a great sense that we have turned the corner. While we still have many miles to go, it’s clear the light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a train! His faithfulness in meeting our needs is legendary in our business, my life and for those we know who are willing to walk the path He has laid out for our individual lives.

Yesterday, before we left the track, we watched the latest message from Elevation church’s lead pastor Steven Furtick’s series Savage Jesus. He made one statement that struck me, “The greatest opportunities are not always the most obvious“ #savagejesus

I hear the Lord saying, “There are great things ahead, tighten your belts, it about to get wild.”

We must stay focused and keep walking even when it looks like complete madness. #trusthispath



You may be feeling stagnant, but rest assured that this is a time of preparation and positioning. You will be tempted to yield to spiritual laziness that comes with stagnation, but I would have you shake yourself awake and sharpen your awareness and discernment. And, I will show you astounding things, says the Lord.

Romans 13:11 And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

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