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The Cost of the Call

I had always been a bit selfish in how I approached life. If something I was involved with ultimately did not benefit me, then my desire to work at a project would wane over time. I would manipulate and fandangle to make things happen for my good. Even as I type today I’m thinking to myself, “What an absolute worthless way to live.”

That all changed when I met Jesus face to face on I-95 outside Goldsboro North Carolina. In that moment, at 70+ MPH, Jesus explained how much He loved me, that all was forgiven and that He wanted me to come home. It’s a miracle I didn’t wreck as the tears streamed down my face on that winter afternoon.

That was the day I changed, that was the day I stopped living for myself and started living for the Lord and His will for my life. I have not regretted a single moment since. Yes, there have been hard times. Times when I wondered how it would all work out. But in all of that, I found a joy that is almost difficult to explain or express. I believe you can only experience it to understand it fully.

Look at your life today and ask yourself, “who do I live for?”


The Cost of the Call
TGIF Today God Is First NextGen
by Charis Hillman Brown

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” -Philippians 2:3&4
When asked by a rich man how to enter the kingdom of heaven, Jesus replied, “You must sell all you own and come and follow Me.” (Luke 19:21)

The rich man, in response, was visibly dejected. He realized he did not want to let go of his wealth in order to follow Jesus.

Such is the case in pursuing our calling. It’s often not what we think. There will be things that we won?t want to give up, freedoms that we enjoy – but when God comes calling we have to put our selfishness aside in order to serve. “With great power comes great responsibility.” -Voltaire “But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant…” (Mark 10:43)

Sometimes this is hard. Sometimes this is not what we want to do.

I’ve seen my dad go through much inconvenience and work many long hours in order to serve. But the cool thing is, our sacrifice leads to life in others because of God’s call. Will you allow God to use you today, even if it means inconvenience? Let us be aware of the cost of the call.

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