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Performing Miracles With Your Staff

I have yielded my life and everything I hold sacred to the Lord. There is nothing He does not have access to. He has used the desires of my heart to touch the lives of those around me. Through our business we have made many new friends, many more than I ever realized…that was until yesterday when our second team needed help. They had a broken hitch and where 700+ miles from home.

My initial thought was to go and rescue them with my motorhome or my sons truck. Then I felt the Lord tell me to pray. So I did and then asked for prayer on JAMA’s Facebook page…and people started to pray. Instantly…yes, instantly we had help from numerous sources. Phone calls, emails, text and private messages came rolling in…I was overwhelmed by the willingness of people to reach out and help us.

We went from a near disaster with a broken hitch, literally inches from the trailer coming off the motorhome, to seeing the hand of our Lord move in a mighty way to help get our team back on the road in under 3 hours, yes under 3 hours! While that may not seem miraculous to some folks, it is when you’re sitting 700 miles away feeling completely helpless.

I can point to two things that made the difference, a yielded life and prayer. Without them, I would not be writing about this because I’d be doing something else with my life. But because I yielded my life to His will, it set up a sequence of events that allowed out problem to be easily resolved.

Are you allowing the Lord to use your work and skills to touch the lives of those around you? If not, then talk to the Father and see what He would have you do with the desires of your heart.


Performing Miracles With Your Staff
by Os Hillman

“But take this staff in your hand so you can perform miraculous signs with it.” – Exodus 4:17

What is the staff God has put into your hand? Is it being a builder? Is it being an office worker? Is it being a doctor? Moses’ staff represented his vocation as a shepherd. God had something in mind for his vocation – to perform miracles. And awesome miracles He did! God turned the Nile river into blood with the touch of the staff. He turned the staff into a snake. He parted the Red Sea with it. These are just a few of the miracles God did with that staff.

When we yield our talents and abilities to the Lord, God can perform miracles through them. First, Moses had to yield what He had in his hand to God. Only after this took place could God use that staff. As long as Moses held onto it, God could not and would not perform miracles through it.

Until we come to this place with our heavenly Father, we will fail to see miracles performed in our work. He delights in showing His power through us. When we become an open vessel, we can expect to see things happen.

Have you given your staff to the Lord? Offer it to Him and see what He might want to do through it. Your life will never be the same.

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