When Hope is Deferred
Sometimes all we can do is lean deeper into the arms of our Lord. We had one of the best years ever for our business, but it seems we just can’t get ahead. Equipment breakage, unexpected expenses…all sorts of things that dash my hope for an easier start to the new year.
Another promotion cycle had come and gone and the news was the same as the year before…no. I had done all the right things, I had the right job, the right amount of community service and the right endorsements. I had finished my degree, which seemed to be the ‘big deal’ in those days, yet I could not seem to make it over the hurdle to the next stripe.
Belief or Unbelief
I don’t know a single Christ follower that doesn’t question the very existence of God at times. When I start to have problems and wonder if everything is going to be OK, I am quickly reminded of all of the times I worried about life only for it all to turn out just fine…but I still struggle.
The Purpose of Elevation
For years as a young man, I strived to be in charge of something. I felt I knew enough about life that I could succeed given the chance to do so. Unfortunately, my youth and exuberance often got the best of me and caused more harm than good. I wanted something I was not ready for.
The Search for Significance
From time to time I ask myself if what I do for the Kingdom makes any difference. One might wonder why I would ask that question if I’m secure in my relationship with the Lord. There is only one answer, when you have impact for the Kingdom, the enemy will do His best to bring doubt, discouragement and concern into your mind.
Obedience-Based Decisions
One of the more difficult task of operating a faith based business is making decisions rooted in the leading of the Holy Spirit. We hired our first employee on such a prompting. The Lord showed us we would be better off paying someone a full time wage than bringing in guest help for our events.