JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Real Customer Service

Talk is cheap…action speak louder than words. While it never hurts to do the ‘wind work’, as my grandpa use to say, when it’s time to get the job done, then it’s time to stop talking and put your shoulder to the plow and get after it. That’s how I was raised.

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I’m not ready!

I was heavily involved in training new aircrew members during my career in the Air Force. From initial flight training all the way through full qualification, there was very little I was not a part of. There were checks and balances throughout the training cycle that ensured these individuals knew their jobs and could perform them without fail.

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The Value of Hard Places

7 Years…it was 7 long years. That was how long we walked in a place of lack in comparison to what we had experienced the last 7 years I was on active duty in the military. Lack may be a relative term to some, our bills were paid, we had cloth on our backs and food to eat.

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A Lesson in Chores

My grandpa Ford always said, “Anything worth doing is worth doing right.” He was a farmer that raised a family during the great depression. Resources where scarce, mistakes cost money, most of those mistakes could easily be overcome by attention to detail and proper training.

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Worldly Planning

Planning, planning, planning…if there is one thing I learned in the military, you planned everything first and left nothing to chance. That was a huge part of my job during my last 7 years in the Air Force. I planned school dates for new trainees, annual training needs for the commands enlisted flight personnel and my own training currency. It seemed like we were always planning something or attending a meeting to plan.

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Crazy for God

I often feel that folks see Christ followers as complete whack jobs. Seriously, at times the Lord asks us to do things or say things that go so against what society sees as the norm that you know they are whispering to themselves, there goes that goofy Christian again talking all crazy about what his God wants him to do.

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