JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Together We are Better!

How do you get a diverse group of people, with different back grounds and abilities, to taken on a God size task? Pray a lot! That’s a good place to start for certain. Join us at 7:25 Sunday morning to hear more as we continue with our current series, Life, Love and Leadership a study from the book of Nehemiah.


Let’s Make a Plan

Man says if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. But as Christ followers, where does the planning of man stop and the will of God begin. Join us tomorrow at 7:25 as we continue with our series; Life, Love and Leadership, a series based on the book of Nehemiah.


The Courage to Face Opposition

What do you do when there is opposition to your God given plan? Do you run, hide, stop or summon up the courage and faith He has instilled in you? Join us tomorrow at 7:25 as we start a new series entitled; Life, Love and Leadership, a series based on the book of Nehemiah.


New Year, New Me…AGAIN?!

It’s that time of the year when you hear people around you, or even yourself, say I’m going to be a new person next year. It’s time to reinvent myself. Time to get to the gym or watch what I eat. Then one thing leads to the next and it’s the eve of another new year and nothing has changed.

How can this be? Perhaps we can learn something from the shepherds that were visited by the angels the night of the Messiahs birth. Join me tomorrow at 7:25, maybe the Lord will change your life with a word from Him  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMBR6MCrmNQ

Grace in the Grind

One of the things I love the most about the bible is how it tells the stories of ordinary people and their struggles in life. It’s an encouragement to me, especially when I see those who walked closest to the Lord dealing with life, it’s setbacks and their ultimate triumphs in following His will for their lives. The grind of life can really get to you at times, so just how do you deal with it.



Read The Bible in A Year

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