JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Can You Hear Me?

One of the hardest thing we must be able to do is keep our mouth shut and our ears open. That’s a big problem today, not just between people, but between our Lord and us. Join us tomorrow at 8:25 to learn more.


I Serve at His Pleasure, part 2 – The Reminder

This is part 2 of the message we started last week. It gets harder and harder to maintain your focus on the One who has called us. There are so many distractions, at times I’m not sure what to do. Quit looks good more often now than it ever has. What should we do when we get to this point in life? Join me Sunday morning at 8:25 to hear more.


I Serve at His Pleasure

It gets harder and harder to maintain your focus on the One who has called us. There are so many distractions, at times I’m not sure what to do. Quit looks good more often now than it ever has. What should we do when we get to this point in life? Join me Sunday morning at 8:25 to hear more.


Why You’re Here

It’s seems we ask that question of ourselves often, especially in today’s crazy mixed up world. At times it could be a statement like While You’re Here… Want to hear more? Join me at 1:25 this afternoon.



Read The Bible in A Year

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