JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Who Is Your Source?

When times are hard, who do you look to for strength, provision and guidance? Some will talk to the world, others their family or friends.

While those people are certainly OK and can even be beneficial at times, ultimately we must look to the Lord for how He would have us act, react and proceed in life. Join us at 8:25 to learn more about how our Father would have us act and react to life.


Who Do You Serve?

Genesis chapter 24 tells the story of serving our Lord and those placed in authority over you. When given different options, who do you decide to serve? The options are many. Join us at 8:25 to hear more.


What Are Your Intentions?

If you have daughter and a young man comes knocking on the door, often a father will ask what his intentions are when it comes to his daughter. That can be very intimidating!

Most successful people declare what they are going to do in life, should you? What does God have to say on this subject? Join us at 8:25 tomorrow morning to hear more.


I Give You Peace, Not the World

Theses are the times that try men’s souls are words made famous by Thomas Paine, founding father and great American patriot.

Peace in your heart, mind and soul is very elusive these days. It seems to be on back order all across the world. There is much to be concerned about, but little the average person can do. Hopelessness is the order of the day. This is how the world operates.

Our God works on a completely different level and is the one who provides peace to His children especially in times we find ourselves in these days. Need peace, join me at 8:25 Sunday morning to hear more. 


Get Out of the Boat!

Much has been said about Peter’s faith, or lack there of, when he started to sink after getting out of the boat. I have one question, what about the rest of the guys in the boat? None of them even attempted to step out. Yeah it’s one of those kind of messages. Join me at 7:25 to hear more.



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