Your Secular Work Is Ministry
I don’t believe I can add anything of value to this devotional. This is how our company sees it’s work. We glorify Him in everything we do.
Your Secular Work Is Ministry
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving (Col 3:23-25).
Whom Shall I Fear?
This is my anthem in this season of my life. Be encouraged in the Lord today!
God-Inspired Delays
There are days when I am amazed at the Lord’s timing. Today’s Marketplace devotional describes our current situation to a T.
This past Monday I received an email from one of the groups we are scheduled to work with this year. A new vendor wants to speak with the associations about streaming the races for them. The groups new leader has agreed to talk with them.
We were literally down to dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s with this company. Working with this group is one of the reason for our expansion to two full teams. Their season starts fairly soon, so any significant delay will impact our planning…hhmmm ‘our planning’, that’ll make you stop and think.
Blessing Those Who Curse You
The Lord is my vindicator…this was one of the hardest truths for me to accept as the Lord was drawing me back to Him 19+ years ago.
I was assigned to a flying unit in the southwest US as the chief flight engineer. There was an enlisted leader above me who kept trying to move me from my position. I never really understood why, just that he thought it would be better if someone else led the engineer section. Through a series of events this issue finally came to a head. I went down to see the ‘old man’ to find out what the deal was and asked him if he was unhappy with my service. He was surprised I asked and stated he was very happy with my leadership and had no intention of moving me from my current position. He made one phone call to the group commander to confirm he also had no intention of moving me, which he did not.
The Question of Calling
We each need to focus on what the Lord has asked us to do. I always thought the normal progression for a minister would be to pastor a local assembly. No different than in the military, I was looking for the next promotion, be it the next stripe or job, that would move me to the next point in my career.
For the first few years we ministered through JAMA, I believed that principle was the same. If the Lord gave me a deeper anointing, then that was a sign a promotion was in the offing. I couldn’t have been more wrong. He gives you a deeper anointing so you can minister to those around you with greater depth. Does that mean you are destine to stay were you are in ministry, of course not.