Sowing in Tears
I have heard it said, “One man’s perception is another man’s reality, or, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure .” Life is all about perspective. How we view our circumstances will change how we live our lives.
This past week we had 2 options with our business, lay down in defeat or press in deeper with our Father and seek His wisdom for our situation. Quit looked good. I couldn’t do it. I believe what we are doing at MMTV is our calling in life. Yea, I know, not the traditional way of thinking about work and business, but if it glorifies the Lord and uses the gifts and talents He’s bestowed in you, then is it not a form or worship meant to glorify the Lord?
Nothing Is Impossible
How appropriate is this devotionals timing? At the beginning of the week, the lights were going out on the vision for the future of our company.
Today I can report, the second RV is purchased and will be picked up in a few weeks. The second trailer is purchased and will be picked up in a few days. Monday the equipment for the 2nd unit will start arriving. I am in absolutely awe of our God…and He’s not done.
Attack & Advantage (Act As If), Sticks & Stones
Final part of the most recent series from Elevation Chruch’s Steve Furtick.
Crowder “I Am” LIVE
As we’ve navigated our business expansion, I have relied on Godly council from 2 sources, my wife and closest and oldest friend. Each step of the way, every major decision has been discussed in-depth with each of them. Along with Godly council, we have prayed for our Lord’s will at each crossroads. A mistake at this point could be costly and have a significant negative impact on our fledgling company.
We’ve talked in the past about how the Lord will speak to us through our family, friends, church, the scriptures and the circumstances of life. As we were returning home from our most recent trip, a tractor trailer passed us. Written in the dirt on the backdoor were 2 scripture verses, Colossians 3:16 and Proverbs 3:5-6. I knew instantly what the Proverbs quote meant but was uncertain of the quote from Colossians. As I read through the verse from Colossians, I realized they spoke of the same thing, looking to the Lord and His word for wisdom in decision making.
The Black Hole
‘Whom Shall I Fear’ by Chris Tomlin, remains my anthem in our season of expansion. While we have not received an absolute answer from our bank on our loan request, our meeting with them yesterday left us with little hope they will help. No harm, no foul, simple reality, they do not see the future the same way we do and do not have faith in our vision.
This is one of those times when I know our Father is sittin’ in heaven watching all of this unfold, He’s leaned back on His throne, looks over His shoulder and say, “Hey Jesus, watch this, I’m about to blow a few peoples minds!” This is not the first time our Lord has done extraordinary things for us.
Strange Instructions
Shortly before I retired from the military, I ‘happened’ upon a racing organization in Canada. I had a deep sense the Lord wanted us to minister with this group yet had no contact with anyone within the group.
With no clue who to talk to, nor what it would be like to cross the border post 9-11, I made contact with one of the associations racers. I asked about the possibility of racing with the group. He thought it was a great idea and encouraged me to race with them during the coming year. Placing our trust in the Lord, we stepped out to race and hopefully minister in Canada.