JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

But Master…

Advertising, of one form or another, is the traditional way for any company or business to get the word out about it’s products or services. Normally you would contact an ad agency or design your own campaign to reach your target customers. This has not been the case with MotormaniaTV. Instead, the Lord has asked us to allow Him to make folks aware or who we are and what we do. At first it was difficult to be obedient, but as time has passed, it’s gotten easier.

The first 3 events of this year are exactly the same as the the first 3 events of 2013. The growth in viewership from 2013 to 2014 has been phenomenal. We have seen a 350% + increase. What did we do to make such a significant increase, nothing. Through new contracts and contacts, the Lord has brought us the increase.

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Sharing Our Witness

Living and working in the wild world of drag racing can be very difficult at times. I look at all of the craziness that goes on and wonder why I’m here doing what I’m doing. I feel that way until the Lord touches a life through my relationship with Him. Our actions are always an overflow of our relationship with Him or lack there of.

As Christ followers we are pushed by the religious to share the Gospel with every non-Christ follower we meet. Can I tell you that more times that not all you do is push that person away. I have watched it happen time and time again. A well meaning brother or sister in Christ reaches out at the most inopportune time to try and say or do the right thing that causes more harm for the Kingdom than help.

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A Man Who Has God’s Favor

As I look back over my life, I can see the many mentors the Lord placed in my path and the impact they’ve had on my life. If I have one regret, it was not having enough sense to take the time to listen to my own grandparents, specifically my grand fathers, as I was growing up. It was only after they were gone that I realized how much I had lost in family history and wisdom from 2 men who grew up and lived through the early part of the 20th century.

I was fortunate though, the Lord brought others into my life, specifically my wife’s grand parents. Instead of dreading being around the ‘old people’ when we went to visit, I would stop and listen to the stories of their lives as they would relate them during dinner or work around the house. They both experienced WW 1 and 2 along with the great depression. Those experiences had shaped who they had become, individuals with great character. Knowing them blessed me greatly.

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Growing Through Experience

There is no substitute for experience. Knowledge of a given subject is crucial, however, having in-depth experience in a given area is indispensable.

This weekend we are at one of the premier sportsman drag racing events held in the US. The cars come from all major US manufacturers and are equipped with a variety of power plants. Each car is as individual as it’s owner. They have there own personalities and require different tune ups for maximum performance. It takes an experienced tuner to gain all the power from their motors coupled with the right transmission ratios and suspension setups to be the fastest in their class. These are not skills that can be taught, but must be learned over months and years of hands on experience.

The path the Lord has chosen for your life is no different. As we grown and learn we have numerous experiences that teach us valuable lessons about people and life. As we grow, each step prepares us for His ultimate purpose for our life.

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Servant Leadership Versus Entitlement

With what seems like a society spinning out of control, I wonder what has happened to the kind and gentle society I grew up in? I believe it’s still there, but has been pushed to the back by spectacular news of the latest variety.

As we walk through our daily lives we are given opportunities to be kind to those around us. As Christ followers, what greater example can we be than to show kindness when today’s society would dictate other wise?

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God Has Need of Your Donkey

I love the richness of God’s word. It’s depth is amazing, with teachings for every situation. Through Os Hillman’s calling, we can see how the Lord uses our businesses to bring glory to Him. Had it not been for his (Os’s) calling, we would not be involved with market place ministry nor would we be webcasting drag racing events.

Each of our callings are like ripples in the pond from a tossed pebble. They reach across vast expanses until they come to shore where they are absorbed. Such is our calling in the marketplace. The ripples of our Christ centered living and business practices reach out across our lives and touch people we may never know. The impact is slow and subtle, but significant.

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