Changing Our Paradigm
When I returned to the Fathers house in 1996, I was still running on the religion I grew up with as a kid. Having spent many years in 2 large denominations, I had the act down pat on who I should be as a Christian. I could speak the language of Christians, I knew all of the popular songs and how to smile and nod at the appropriate times. I had become a consummate politician under the Christian badge.
That all changed on March 3rd, 2001. On that day I met my Savior face to face. I dropped the pose, the act of being a Christian, and became a Christ follower. I would find out that, while good intentioned, I either misunderstood what I was taught as a kid or I was acting according to doctrine, not the words of Jesus. The process of fundamentally changing what I believed was the correct way to act into following Christ would take a few years to understand.
Thirteen years later, the Lord is still shaping me into the image of Jesus. While better, there is still much work to be done. I can say, with some certainty, that I’ve changed my thinking in how we should act as Christ followers. Jesus gave us the model in His teachings. If we can follow His example in all things, just imagine the impact we could have on those around us.
Ask the Lord if you are acting out of religion instead of the love of Christ. You may need to prepare for a new day and a new way of believing.
Changing Our Paradigm
by Os Hillman
“While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, ‘Simon, three men are looking for you. So get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.’”Acts 10:19-20
Peter had never preached to the Gentiles. In fact, he believed it was against Jewish law to associate with the Gentiles. God needed to change Peter’s attitude about this, so God gave Peter a vision that showed him it was permissible to preach to the Gentiles. The Spirit came to Peter and informed him that some men were about to come visit him, and he was to go with them. He went with them, and the Lord did great miracles in the lives of Gentiles through Peter.
Sometimes we are so bent on our particular belief that the Holy Spirit must do something miraculous to change our paradigm.
I was once asked to attend a conference overseas. At the time, finances were such that the very idea was ridiculous to me. The very next day a man I had met only once before informed me of this event and asked if I would come if my expenses were covered. I was dumbfounded! The Lord had sent a messenger to change my paradigm because He knew I didn’t have the faith to think of the possibility. He knew I needed help.
Do you need a paradigm shift in some area of belief? The Lord still intervenes in the lives of His people every day. Don’t be surprised when God begins to change your paradigm by giving you a vision or sending you a messenger of His choosing.