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Patience Grasshopper

Like the subtle awakening of spring, the most profound growth often occurs out of sight, in the quiet depths of your heart. This unseen growth is evidence of the nurturing power of patience in your walk with God.

Think of a seed planted in fertile soil; it doesn’t sprout overnight. It requires time, care and the unseen work of God.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we talk about growing in the Lord.

But What Of Hope?

You can trust God for all He has planned for you as you continue to face forward and look to Him.

What are you looking forward to? There are prizes for those who are in Christ Jesus. They are the most fulfilling of all; so much more than the world has to offer.

Join us at 7:05 Sunday morning as we look to the Lord for our help.

**NOTE** Don’t forget, set your clocks ahead!

Heaven or Hell, Tear Off The Roof!

Sometimes it’s a word of encouragement when you want to give up. Maybe it’s an extra set of hands to help you get the job done, or maybe it’s a little extra food or finances in a time of need.

We all face times in our lives when we can’t do it on our own. God, in His infinite love, sends friends who will hold us up, lend us their strength and speak encouragement until together, we can.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 for more on what the Lord shared with me this week.

You’re Welcome

It’s just polite to hold the door open for others as you walk into a venue – whether you know them or not. Granted, not everyone does. But as a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been chosen to live a lifestyle that elevates those around you, seeing their worth through the eyes of love.

When you let others go first, it establishes a higher value of love by adding the element of respect and showcases God’s way of doing life.

Join us at 7:05 Sunday morning as we talk about real life issues we face everyday!

A Good Father

So much of our lives is shaped by the influence of our fathers. That begs the question, what constitutes a good father.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we look at the example Christ shared with us while He ministering during His life.

Hell Lost Another One

Imagine you’re on a racetrack, ready to run the race of your life. The crowd is cheering, and you can feel the excitement. But this race isn’t just any race; it’s the race of life, and your goal is to finish and win.

God placed unique and divine ambitions within your heart – part of His vision for your life – and you need to pursue them. Your dreams, talents and passions are all gifts from Him, given with a purpose. You journey toward fulfilling God’s plan for your life as you embrace and pursue them.

Join us at 7:05 Sunday morning as we talk about the race of life and all the Lord has for you in it.

Just Ask

Do you realize the incredible power that resides within the simple act of prayer? Prayer is much more than a religious ritual or a routine exercise; it is a direct line of communication with the Almighty God, the Creator of the universe. It’s easy to underestimate the significance of prayer, but the transparency is real and holds transformative power.

Many Christ followers often stumble in life because they forget the single most important aspect of our relationship, communication with the Father.

Join us Sunday morning at 7:05 as we talk about the significance of prayer and it’s impact on our lives.

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