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Friendship – The Promises of God

The world uses the term friend in a very lose fashion. We can have just met a person and introduce them as a new friend, but does that really define what it means to be a friend? When Jesus called His disciples friend it meant something very different from the modern way we use the term.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk about what it means to be a friend of Jesus.

Rewards, Here or There – The Promises of God

Have you ever received a prize as a reward? Or gone on a treasure hunt or searched for the trinket “prize” in a cereal box? It was not really the value of the prize you were seeking. It was the excitement of the hunt. Plus, the picture on the box made it seem quite wonderful.

God’s rewards are true and MOST wonderful! There is no false advertising. And you do not have to dump out a whole box of cereal to find them. You must believe He exists and seek Him.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we continue talking about the promises of God.

Hey! That’s My Kid! – The Promises of God

One of the single hardest things for me to accept, after I gave my life to Jesus, was that I was really his child with all of the. I knew in my mind that He loved me, He told me that and scripture supports it, but it was hard for me to believe that he really accepted who I was and forgave me for all of my sins.

Tomorrow we explore another promise of the Lord, acceptance as God’s child. Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we look at what it means to be His kid and how it happens.

Don’t forget, we will share communion at the end of service!

Final Call for Real Joy and Peace – The Promises of God

Aligning our thoughts with those of Christ will transform our perspective for better actions and reactions.

When we start thinking with the mind of Christ, we embrace humility and servanthood as He did. In challenges, where the natural response might be frustration or discouragement, Christ’s perspective guides us to seek purpose and growth.

He faced the ultimate challenges: physical suffering and the profound weight of people’s sins. Yet, Christ always aligned with God for a broader eternal perspective.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk about how we can achieve true joy and peace in our lives.

Life To The Fullest – The Promises of God

Jesus offers life, but you have to believe and receive it. We will bear fruit if we abide in Him (John 15). The life Jesus promised begins immediately, immediately when we make him the LORD of our life and repent.

However, the promise of “life to the fullest” has nothing to do with becoming rich or not having to experience problems — but having joy and peace. In this world, we will have tribulation.

Join us at 7:05 tomorrow morning as we look at what He promised and what our responsibility is in living a life in abundance.

I have a Plan – The Promises of God

When have you faced a season of life where the weight of your struggles felt unbearable? Perhaps it was a challenging relationship, a demanding job, or a personal loss that left you feeling depleted. In these moments, Jesus offers us an invitation to find rest and solace in Him.

When the weight of the world feels too heavy, Jesus stands ready to carry it with you. Join us at 7:05 as we learn how the Lord helps us through the tests of Life.

The Fishes and the Loaves

When your efforts seem futile, God has a plan to provide for you. That has to be one of the hardest statements I’ve ever been told, especially for a type A personality.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk about our Lords provision in life. You might find that it’s not what you might think. Also, don’t forget, we will celebrate the Lord’s supper at the end of the service.

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