It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Dawn of a New Day

Ask, seek, knock… Jesus tells us this is what we need to do to move forward in life, especially to grab the life He has for us.

Join us at 7:25 to see what He has to say about all of this.

What’s for Christmas, Forgiveness!

This time of the year we celebrate the birth of Jesus. While we associate His birth with all the trappings of the season, we seldom think about why He came, the forgiveness of sin, our sins.

I have found it’s often easier to forgive others than forgive yourself. After all we are our own worst critiques.

Join us at 7:25 to hear more.

Waiting and Watching

Wait and watch, that is what the Lord is saying to me these days. As the world swirls out of control, He’s telling me to be patient, to wait for Him but keep an eye out as a watcher on the wall.

I can tell you I am not comfortable in this new role He has for me, but I walk forth knowing He has a plan and all is under His watchful eye. He’s given me a few revelations this week about the people of this world. It may surprise you, it may not.

Join us at 7:25 to hear more.

Junkyard Faith

God’s gifts reach across our lives like nothing else. Even the gifts of your family, friends or your adversaries can impact you in a variety of ways.

Join us at 7:25 tomorrow morning to learn more.

Where’s Your Gratitude?

What fuels your level of gratitude? Money, possessions, position or is it something else?

Paul said he learned to live with much and to live with little. Can you say the same?

Join us tomorrow at 7:25 as we talk about being grateful for what the Lord has given us.

Read The Bible in A Year
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