It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Time to Hear

I heard it said many years ago, when God stops speaking to you, go back to the last place you said no to Him and say yes.

Obedience is always the path for moving forward with the Lord, even when it doesn’t make sense to you or me. There are times when the Lord will ask us to do something that seems silly. All I can say is we can not see nor understand the consequences of our actions. So when the Lord asks you to do something, just do it.

When we are obedient in the small things, it sets us up for greater responsibility and bigger impact. I see that in our business and ministry. We started very small in both areas. The Lord has increased our responsibility and reach in the live event streaming world. The impact from our walk with Him has increased significantly just in the last year.

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Stepping Out

I have a sense the Lord is speaking specifically to a person or group of people through the last several devotionals.

There are 2 things I’ve learned in my walk with our Father, it’s always better to do His will for our lives and giving Him absolute control of our life is essential.

This does not mean we throw caution to the wind and do something foolish or that we do not have to participate in the work. Jesus used a boys lunch to feed the 5000, He started with something to demonstrate the need for us to sacrifice what we have for His purpose.

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Do You Know Who You Are?

One of the greatest tools I was given upon returning to the Father’s house was the need to live a transparent life. Nothing hidden, everything out in the open, always tell the truth.

Living a transparent life is not easy. There are times when the Lord asks you to bare your soul to the world. It’s always embarrassing and deeply personal but, in being transparent, it allows others to know they can move beyond their sins, past and present. It’s in these times I truly understand how much I have been forgiven and how grateful I am for my Lord’s grace and mercy.

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Precious Deaths

Yesterday we attended a local church pastored by a friend we met many years ago. The worship was sweet and spirit filled, it blessed us. The pastor got up to close the worship portion of the service expressing how we must open our lives completely to our Lord. We must surrender every aspect, nothing hidden, nothing locked out from our Father.

Many years ago I counseled a man going through a difficult time in his marriage. His wife had caused him many problems with his bosses in the military to the point they had considered filing charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justices. Ultimately they gave him a written reprimand that delayed his promotion to the next rank.

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Sowing in Tears

I have heard it said, “One man’s perception is another man’s reality, or, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure .” Life is all about perspective. How we view our circumstances will change how we live our lives.

This past week we had 2 options with our business, lay down in defeat or press in deeper with our Father and seek His wisdom for our situation. Quit looked good. I couldn’t do it. I believe what we are doing at MMTV is our calling in life. Yea, I know, not the traditional way of thinking about work and business, but if it glorifies the Lord and uses the gifts and talents He’s bestowed in you, then is it not a form or worship meant to glorify the Lord?

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Nothing Is Impossible

How appropriate is this devotionals timing? At the beginning of the week, the lights were going out on the vision for the future of our company.

Today I can report, the second RV is purchased and will be picked up in a few weeks. The second trailer is purchased and will be picked up in a few days. Monday the equipment for the 2nd unit will start arriving. I am in absolutely awe of our God…and He’s not done.

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As we’ve navigated our business expansion, I have relied on Godly council from 2 sources, my wife and closest and oldest friend. Each step of the way, every major decision has been discussed in-depth with each of them. Along with Godly council, we have prayed for our Lord’s will at each crossroads. A mistake at this point could be costly and have a significant negative impact on our fledgling company.

We’ve talked in the past about how the Lord will speak to us through our family, friends, church, the scriptures and the circumstances of life. As we were returning home from our most recent trip, a tractor trailer passed us. Written in the dirt on the backdoor were 2 scripture verses, Colossians 3:16 and Proverbs 3:5-6. I knew instantly what the Proverbs quote meant but was uncertain of the quote from Colossians. As I read through the verse from Colossians, I realized they spoke of the same thing, looking to the Lord and His word for wisdom in decision making.

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Read The Bible in A Year
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