Faith Experiences
I grew up in church. Every Sunday we were there as a family doing the ‘church thing’. I saw many hypocrites, it was a very religious environment void of any discussion of relationship with our Lord and Savior. I did not like it and had no use for it. What I saw and experienced there would drive me far from the Fathers’ house.
That all changed on March 3rd, 2001. It was a Saturday and I remember it as clear as a bell. I went to the men’s breakfast at church, yes, I was attending again because Our Father has been drawing me back to Him heavily. I went to update our associate pastor on my call to minister at the races when my dam of desperation broke and I was welcomed back into the arms of a loving Father. On my knees sobbing, I gave my life to Christ. I was changed forever that day.
Asa, a Model King Until…
I want to finish well for the Lord. It seems when ever one thinks they are ‘all that and a bag of chips’, they’ve set themselves up for failure.
There is a saying, you can not read your own press reports. When you forget who your source is and where your victories come from, then it seems trouble will surely come your way. This is what the Lord wants us to hear today. Remember Him in all things and honor Him for His power and mercy in our lives.
The Famine That Leads to Freedom
You may have heard the saying, there are no atheists in foxholes. That saying speaks to the idea that when in deep trouble, most people call on God for help. I have seen this same mentality across society, I put it this way, when folks are not lacking, they aren’t looking. Which means when times are good folks forget about our Lord and all He has done for us.
They say success is just as hard to survive as not having enough. When we have nothing, it’s easy to look to God for help. But when we have all we need and then some, we have a tendency to forget where it all came from. As Christ followers we must guard against a spirit of complacency and not forget whose we are and where we came from.
The Dangers of Overcontrol
When we’re setting up cameras for production, we must make all of the final adjustments from the production suit. While good, the viewfinder on the camera does not give you the complete picture for the final shot. This is simply the limitations of any video equipment and is key for a videographer to understand when shooting. The person adjusting the camera must trust the producer and not rely on his own understand of the picture he is seeing.
This is no different than our walk with the Lord. We can not see everything that is at work in His plan for our lives. We must learn to trust Him and be obedient to his leading. This will always be hard for us because the enemy is constantly at work telling us we must have absolute control over our lives and circumstances or things will spin out of control.
Is Anything Too Hard for God?
Hebrews 11:1, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
We prayed and prayed and tested everything we were hearing about expanding to 2 teams in 2014. The plan was in place, the Lord was bringing us the right people but were we really going to be able to pull this thing off…we had no money and needed big dollars to make this happen. The Lord kept speaking to me that He had this and to trust Him.
When the bank said no, they just could not take the risk, I was really starting to 2nd guess myself, did I really hear from the Lord on this? The enemy’s voice will be a constant noise in your mind when you are walking with the Lord…he was working overtime to try and create doubt in my mind.
Speak to Your Mountain
Dealing with the stress of our expansion, yes even when you walk with the Lord you have stress, has been an interesting process. I attempted to anticipate certain things by building spare parts into our program and teaching Jack and Joanne as much as I could over the last few months. But as we know, stuff happens in life! While they dealt with an errant generator, bad chassis battery and a bad brand new battery back up, I was dealing with a refrigerator that was not cooling.
Jack did a superb job of handling the issues on his end, while I started a conversation with a refrigerator technician online. After several test, it appeared the thermistor was bad, so I order a repair kit and a full replacement part just incase. The parts would be here on Saturday and Monday. My last thought was, “Lord help me deal with this.”
An Eternal View of Circumstances
Last year I came under heavy personal attack for taking a stance on a specific subject. I was called all kinds of names and lied about. My creditability and integrity were called into question. As I pondered how I should respond, the Lord whispered to me and said, “say nothing, I will be your defender.” That was hard, way hard. I’ve never been persecuted at that level, especially in full view of the public.
A few weeks later, the persecutor became the persecuted. This person made a very public mistake trying to help someone with a problem. They were caught and chastised by the same group that was used to chastise me. As I started to revel in their pain, (we should never do that, Proverbs 24:17 Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice,) the Lord again whispered to me, tell them he should be forgiven, it was an honest mistake and they should move on. I did and the situation basically died.