It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Embracing the Mess

The other day I needed to run out to pick up a couple of items for one of our production units. Instead of taking the interstate home, I decided to take a slower but more picturesque route. Along this way, a couple of the roads are either under construction or have recently been renovated. One road in particular was rerouted and repaved to remove a cumbersome intersection.

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What the World Needs Now

‘What the World Needs Now is Love’ was a hit song in the 60’s and originally sang by Jackie DeShannon. As you read through the lyrics, you start to understand there is beauty all around us created by the Lord. The mountains, the fields, the meadows, all have His handy work, His glorious touch, their beauty and majesty speaks for itself. What can we add to all He has provided? Love…yes, it really is that simple. That is the single biggest thing we can do every

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Our Staff as Our Protector

Over the last few weeks, the Lord has inched us closer to a new and exciting opportunity that will open up a new capability for our company, TV production. I have said for years this was not something I had much interest in because we did not have the capability to record the feed in the correct format nor did I fully understand the requirements of a given TV network. The later is not near as big a deal as I once thought.

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May I Pray for You?

Prayer has to be one of the most misunderstood aspects of our daily walk. I have recommended for years that we talk with our Father just like we would talk to our best friend or spouse. There is no right or wrong way to pray. No special position, no need for absolute reverence, simply put, just talk to our Poppa. I have found that to be one of the most freeing aspects of my walk with Him…I just talk with Him.

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Transformation vs. Conformation

The person I was before March 3rd, 2001 and the person I have become today are two completely different people. I was a selfish, self absorbed individual who’s ultimate goal was to grab everything I could for my own pleasure. I was the epitome of today’s me centered world that sought personal pleasure over self sacrifice at almost any price.

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The subject of wisdom has been on my mind for a few days. That normally means the Lord wants me to see or hear something or pass it along to others. The bible has much to say about wisdom and how important it is to us. Todays devotional speaks significant truths about wisdom and shows the timelessness of God’s word.

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How Solid is Your Foundation?

Life is tough at times…that was the understatement of the day. It seems that today, life is more complicated, more involved and has more moving parts than ever before. Instant gratification has become the norm in our ‘microwave’ society. While the world has taught us what it says we should expect in life, it has done a very poor job of teaching us how to handle adversity, how to wait or how to persevere. The world would have us point our finger at someone or something to explain why we did not get our way or did not reach our goal. We have become of society unwilling to accept responsibility for our actions.

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Read The Bible in A Year
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